Outing Summary
Car Camp

Trip# 10: Moonlight Canyon/Inner Pasture and Cool Canyon Feb 8-9  Grade: M7BDate: 2/8/2025
Leader: Dori CageAssistant: Jennifer Cost
Day 1:Moonlight Canyon to Inner Pasture 7+mi
We’ll begin our hike from the palm-filled desert oasis Agua Caliente park along beautiful Moonlight Canyon. This loop trail traverses the white rock of the Tierra Blanca Mountains for 2.5 miles, and connects with a side trail which will take us down to the geographically interesting Inner Pasture for another 2 miles or so. Encircled by the Tierra Blanca mountains to the North and East, and the rugged Sawtooth mountains to the South and West, this flat “pasture” landscape is dotted with ocotillo, agave, and cholla. Having been traditional Kumeyaay land for nearly 1,000 years, and in later years, the land was used by cattle ranchers, we’re likely to find evidence of these various groups. These days, jackrabbits abound. Desert Peninsular Bighorn Sheep clamber the rugged mountains. Be on the lookout for the rare jackalope.

Day 2: Cool Canyon ramble/ scramble: 4-5 miles
Today we travel back up the S2 to explore Cool Canyon, a beautiful desert canyon carved into the formidable Granite Mountain. This dramatic low to high desert canyon hike is a veritable rock garden, a delightful transition zone, home to a variety of plants and animals found in both low high desert ecosystems. Granitic and colorful metamorphic rock paves our way. Be prepared to navigate rock slab, boulders, and scramble up and down dry waterfalls. This little traveled canyon presents us with the deep peace of desert solitude and magnificent views of Blair Valley and Whale Peak.

Special Outing Requirements: Special Requirements: Bring your 10 essentials, car camp gear for a primitive camp experience (no outhouse/restroom). Bring two lunches, one dinner and one breakfast. We will introduce basic navigation, and have area maps for everyone. Bring TP and be prepared to pack it out in a Wag Bag! We will review Leave No Trace principles. All participants must have signed the Sierra Club’s Liability Waver.

Water Requirements: Water Requirements: Since this is a primitive camp, plan on bringing 3-4 gallons for cooking and drinking; intake depends a lot on temps.

Outing Requirements:
Filtering Water (water available)
Bouldering/scrambling with BACKPACK
Bouldering/scrambling with DAYPACK
Rocky, rough, uneven terrain
Hiking through thick brush or bushes
4WD vehicle required
High clearance vehicle required
High or 4WD vehicle recommended
Adventure Pass required
Trekking poles recommended/required
Special clothing/gear rcmd./rqd.
GPS use/demo
Night navigation
Backpack loading demo
Gear use/discussion
Evening fire
 MilesGain (ft)Loss (ft)MilesGain (ft)Loss (ft)
Day Hike79509505950950

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