Outing Summary
Car Camp

Trip# 11: Culp Valley Primitive Camp Feb 1-2  Grade: M5BDate: 2/1/2025
Leader: Cary EskowAssistant: John Stephens
We'll meet at the carpool location at 7AM, and head to the Culp Valley Primitive Campground. Important: Parking inside the campground may be limited, so if necessary some students will need to park at the nearby Maidenhair Falls trailhead and shuttle to the campground after unloading their tent and gear. You will need to share a car with another student if you are in a shuttle.

Once we assemble at our tent area, we'll have introductions and a talk about the Ten Essentials, then start our day hike. As we descend to the desert floor we'll be treated to panoramic views of Borrego Springs and the surrounding mountains. Halfway down we'll stop and orient our location on the topo map and identify landmarks. After we return to the trailhead we’ll set up our tents, change into warm clothing, then meet at the camp kitchen for "bring your own" appetizers and happy hour. After dinner we'll enjoy a campfire and possibly take a night hike on the Culp Valley Loop.

On Sunday morning, we'll tour our camp and discuss car camping and backpacking gear. Leaders will demonstrate how we pack our backpacks, and then we'll break camp and stow gear in our cars. We'll hike to Pena Springs, and then to the top of Hellhole Canyon and work our way down.

Special Outing Requirements: Food: Two lunches, one dinner, one breakfast and trail snacks.
Gear: Lug-soled hiking boots, suitable clothes, daypack, sleeping bag, tent (remember to bring tent stakes) and your Ten Essentials. Please bring your WBC-issued compass and the topo map we will give you at the pre-trip meeting as well.

Water Requirements: One gallon (4L) of water for Saturday and half a gallon for Sunday, minimum. Please also bring enough water for cooking, cleaning, coffee or tea, etc.

Outing Requirements:
Filtering Water (water available)
Bouldering/scrambling with BACKPACK
Bouldering/scrambling with DAYPACK
Rocky, rough, uneven terrain
Hiking through thick brush or bushes
4WD vehicle required
High clearance vehicle required
High or 4WD vehicle recommended
Adventure Pass required
Trekking poles recommended/required
Special clothing/gear rcmd./rqd.
GPS use/demo
Night navigation
Backpack loading demo
Gear use/discussion
Evening fire
 MilesGain (ft)Loss (ft)MilesGain (ft)Loss (ft)
Day Hike520002000310001000

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